i sort of hate having good dreams
i mean the ones that you wake up from thinking, 'crap. it was only a dream'
it's like a little trick of your mind. you're fooled into thinking that your wishes have come true, only to be slapped in the face with reality when you wake up. this happened last night.
i have so much reading and memorizing to do. i find that when i have a ton of work to do i get overwhelmed and end up getting next to nothing done. how can i motivate myself?
rumors opens in twenty four days. why does it feel like we haven't even started? i apologize in advance. also, my english ISU being due the same week isn't exactly getting me excited. i really need to get my act together (no pun intended). thesis and outline due thursday.. what the heck am i gonna do.
BUT--i don't have to worry about finding a prom dress anymore. woohooo